
Why sustainability can be your best business decision


Key takeaways of Shopify report The Future of Shipping and Logistics1 - Part 2 of 3. Find part 1 here.

People around the world are more concerned than ever about climate change. Consumer behaviour has evolved - they're no longer virtue signalling, they're taking real action and expect the brands and products they support to do the same. 

Customers are demanding corporate responsibility and choosing to buy from businesses that have a clear commitment to sustainability and social causes. This has a very real impact on everything, from product design through to distribution. 

Shopify summed it up in its recent study The Future of Commerce in 2022 2: in the coming years, an environmentally and socially sustainable supply chain will no longer be a choice, it will be a requirement. 

As Explorate Co-Founder Alex Ewart says:

"Whether it's attracting and retaining future investment, staff or customers, market dynamics and subsequent demands have fundamentally shifted in favour of businesses that not only take their ESG seriously, but that build it into their DNA. It's non-negotiable that we make a positive impact and we're transparently accountable to our key stakeholders to ensure we do so."

Alex Ewart

Recent research 3 shows how environmental impact is shaping consumer behaviour and how much things have changed in the last six years. The numbers are compelling and deliver a clear message for merchants: it's time to take action too. 

Long-term growth

Sustainable practices through the supply chain are not just appealing to customers. They're also important to employees and investors.

Research shows 4 that many employees prefer to work for companies that are ethical and sustainable. Corporate responsibility and environmental standards can improve employee retention, lower staff turnover and improve productivity. 

As the Great Resignation clearly showed in recent times, employees are very willing to resign from a job for a number of reasons, including the desire to work for companies with better social and sustainable practices.

Making supply chains more sustainable

End-to-end supply chain visibility is fundamental to understand what's happening at any point of the supply chain and to be aware of the environmental impact of your business. 

Pioneer freight forwarders like Explorate use a fully accredited methodology to give their customers easy access to real time carbon emissions for their logistics operations. Its innovative in-app carbon emission calculator makes it easy for importers and exporters to calculate the carbon emissions produced by their air and ocean freight. 

But we need to do so much more than just count it. 

Offsetting carbon emissions

Carbon Offset Programs mitigate the environmental impact of a business' logistics operations. It reduces the carbon footprint by calculating the carbon emissions produced by shipments and matching them with a carbon credit project.

The Explorate Carbon Offset Program is one of the most convenient options available in the logistics market. We help freight forwarders to become more informed about their environmental impact, enabling them to build a solid sustainability strategy and achieve their environmental goals.

Share your goals and accomplishments

Knowing a company is actively working on reducing its carbon footprint is a deciding factor for consumers when purchasing a product. That's why communicating environmental goals and actions with customers can be extremely beneficial for a brand. 

Businesses that offset emissions with a program like the Explorate Carbon Offset Program receive a green certification. They can also access the details of the associated carbon credit project to show their customers that they're making a real, positive difference for the planet.

Having great communication with customers requires a transparent supply chain. Cutting-edge tools like the Explorate App allows full freight visibility and access to key insights into all freight movements. 

We are here to help you achieve an environmentally sustainable supply chain. If you're already an Explorate customer, open the Explorate App and start your offset journey today with our Explorate Carbon Offset Program.  


1 Shopify - Future of Shipping and Logistics

2 Shopify - The future of Commerce in 2022

3 The Economist, Intelligence Unit - An Eco-wakening. Measuring global awareness, engagement and action for nature

4 GetSmarter - Sustainability Report

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