Simplify Scope 3


Set, track, and hit sustainability targets.

Achieve sustainability goals effortlessly by instantly calculating, tracking, and offsetting emissions for cargo, regardless of your forwarder.


Emissions of shipments, regardless of forwarder, are measured by our market-leading calculator.


Offset emissions to a local project or curated portfolio of projects on a shipment or company level.


Track your emissions and offset percentage over time. We support you in both setting and hitting your targets.
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Driving zero-emission supply chains.

In every link of a supply chain, there are opportunities to reduce waste and foster sustainability. Unlock the straightforward route to net zero with our tools and expertise.

Action speaks louder than words. Especially when it comes to sustainability. There is no one solution. Rather, there's multiple actions that can and must be taken simultaneously and immediately to be successful.


Freight that won't cost us the planet.

We know it’s not easy to make supply chains sustainable, so we built a platform to do the heavy lifting for you. That way, it only takes a small change to make a big impact.

Precise reporting.

Our emissions calculator considers a vide array of variables for accuracy.

Hands-off tracking.

View emissions and offset percentage on a shipment or company level.

Make local impact.

Offset emissions to a local project or curated offset portfolio.

Leverage our network.

Reach goals from decarbonization to B Corp certification.


De-stress your supply chain.

Logistics management is never a one size fits all.  That's why we offer multiple avenues for you to discover how Explorate can support your team.

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Frequently moving cargo?  Share your freight details with us, and we'll find the optimal solution for your needs, providing you with a personalised quote.

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Product Demo

See how our platform saves your time, money and santify with a live demo from one of our logistics experts.

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Free Product Trial

Get in touch to set up a free trial of our platform with your shipments currently on the water.

Try Explorate for Free
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Frequently asked questions

How are the carbon emissions calculated?
Our calculations factor in ship type, engine specifications, idle duration, distance covered, and fuel consumption. This meticulous approach ensures accurate emissions accounting, preventing overcharging and delivering dependable insights on your shipping emissions.
Can the feature help me set emission reduction targets and track progress?
Our analytics feature is designed to assist you in setting emission reduction targets and monitoring your progress. Our platform tracks your carbon offsets and their evolution over time, enabling you to establish targets, allocate resources for emission offsets, and effectively work towards your sustainability objectives, including managing freight emissions and offsetting shipping carbon emissions.
How is carbon offsetting achieved? Is it reliable?
Carbon offsetting is accomplished through our established partnership with Cloverly, a credible and thoroughly audited sustainability entity. Your financial support is directed towards proven sustainability projects, ensuring a reliable and impactful approach to address the footprint of your shipping emissions.
How can our business share our sustainability efforts?
You can solidify your brand's commitment to sustainability by sharing Cloverly-generated certificates of proof with your customers and stakeholders. These certificates serve as tangible evidence of your efforts to address freight emissions and shipping carbon emissions, enhancing your environmental activism.

Ready to take the stress out of your supply chain?