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The Problem with Supply Chain Data (and How to Finally Make It Work for You)


You’ve got a system for your supply chain data—maybe a spreadsheet or some tracking from your forwarder—but it's often too little, too late, with gaps in the chain. Keeping everyone updated means manual reports and emails. Getting the insights you need takes an exhausting amount of data.

At first, you think this is just a data problem. If your team isn’t seeing the full picture, it must be because the information isn’t flowing fast enough or clearly enough. But if that were true, improving your spreadsheets or adding another tool would solve it, and you wouldn’t spend so much time piecing together data or chasing updates. 

Yet here you are—still stuck firefighting, scrambling to connect the dots, and struggling to gain real-time visibility, even with all these systems in place.

And you’re not alone.

Weak visibility leaves a trail:

  • You’re always one step behind, scrambling to fix problems after they’ve hit.
  • You’re facing costly delays, missed shipments, and frustrated customers, with no clear way to prevent them.
  • Inventory sits idle or vanishes into the cracks, making forecasting a guessing game.
  • Your carriers and partners blame each other, but you don’t have the data to prove otherwise.
  • Operations get bogged down in manual processes, and scaling feels impossible without adding more chaos.
  • You feel overly dependent on your forwarder - unable to utilise others for the fear of losing visibility. 

Visibility is worth it, and it’s not that hard.  So, let’s understand what supply chain visibility is, and why you’re having such a hard time doing it. 

The three traps of visibility.

Trap One: Spreadsheet Dependence 

Spreadsheets worked—until they didn’t. Relying on them means dealing with outdated data, version control nightmares, and zero flexibility when things change fast. It's a patchwork solution that can't keep up with the speed of global supply chains.

Trap Two: Forwarder Dependence. 

Letting your freight forwarders control visibility seems convenient, but it limits your access to real-time insights. You’re at the mercy of their systems, which creates blind spots when you need to make quick, informed decisions.

Trap Three: ERP Dependence.

Using your ERP to manage most of your operations is fine—until it comes to freight. ERPs aren’t designed to handle the complexity of logistics, leaving you with huge visibility gaps when shipments move outside your direct control.

Now, none of these approaches are bad—they've served a purpose. But each has its limitations that hold back the full potential of your visibility. Spreadsheets, forwarders, and ERPs can only take you so far. Their blind spots, data delays, and manual effort kill the impact and ROI of your visibility strategy. 

To unlock true efficiency and control, you need a solution that closes those gaps and gives you real-time, actionable insights across your entire supply chain.

What is Actionable Visibility?

Visibility is context: With the right visibility, you can quickly identify the key issues, spot inefficiencies, and make proactive decisions before problems escalate. It frames the story of your supply chain, allowing you to focus on what matters most and take control. 

The 5 components of effective visibility. 

Provider-Agnostic Tracking

Don’t let your visibility be tied to a single forwarder or system. True visibility means flexibility—track shipments across any provider without losing access to data. Switch partners, add new ones, or drop under performers without a hit to your insights.

Quality Data that tells a story in numbers.

Quality data checks five boxes: accuracy, completeness, reliability, relevance, and timeliness. It’s not just numbers—it’s data that paints a picture, one that lets you optimise routes, identify weak links, and keep everything running smoothly. 

Actionable Insights, Not Data Dumps.

Nobody has time to sift through endless raw data. You need insights that are user-friendly and drive action. Whether it’s a red flag on transit delays or a trend in rate hikes, actionable insights keep you ahead of the game. Data should tell you what to do, not leave you guessing. You need to be able to see the trends in rates and transit times. You need a calendar of events so you know what's coming up and where you need to focus your resources.

Leading Indicators and Lagging Metrics

Great visibility is both proactive and reactive. Leading indicators help you anticipate disruptions before they happen, while lagging metrics give you a clear understanding of past performance. Arm your team with both, so they can respond swiftly and prevent issues before they start.

Scalable solutions

Visibility tools should grow with your business. Scalable solutions don’t need complex onboarding, lengthy training, or constant maintenance. They should fit seamlessly into your operations today, and adapt easily as your supply chain evolves tomorrow.

Effective visibility is your supply chain’s competitive edge—anticipate, adapt, and act with precision.

Want to learn more?

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